Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Texting While Driving Society Down the Toliet

People using mobile phones while walking past jewellery store
The downfall of our society. We thought that with advanced communication devices we would all talk more. We thought cell phones would keep us connected and closer than ever before. Yet we have become even more distant.

We rarely talk. We don't even have close friends anymore. We have created an advanced network of people. They are still called friends. But these friends are rarely seen face to face. Instead we like a live studio audience or maybe a stalker peer into each others' lives. We don't want any other contact with them. If they were to call us, would we answer?

We enjoy having them distant from us. We don't have to commit to all the past friend responsibilities. Do we call them on their birthdays? No, we simply send a message. Not a message on a card we selectively purchased at the store then mailed. Rather a short statement along with all the other "friends." Do we visit each other? Do we share stories? Do we really talk?

Have you ever texted someone only to have them call you in response? Maybe you called someone after you got their text. What happened? Was a new social norm disrupted?

Technology even allows us to have video conversations. This technology was before only dreamed about from movies. Are these video convos helping us? Maybe if you really, really want to see and talk to someone. For the majority of us, it feels awkward. I know I've been in video convos, where I feel like I'm wasting my time. I suddenly get the urge to multitask and I start looking around for something to do.

Are we that insensitive? Have we lost all communication abilities? Is body language going to become extinct? We the text messaging generation are destroying communication. If you have any thoughts on this be sure and text me, email me, or comment, but please don't call, visit, or video me.


  1. I was gonna call and yell at you for getting bored in our video chats, but I thought it was easier to write a comment instead.

  2. I worry about the rising generation not using their natural voice to talk. I believe that your soul is revealed in your voice. That's what I miss the most about my departed loved ones--is the sound of their voice. - MOM

  3. One of the newer Post Secret books (PostSecret Confessions on Life, Death and God), someone posted this secre: "I sometimes text the wrong number on purpose so I can start a converstaion with a random stranger."

    My dad sent me his very first text message ever the other week. It scared the hell outta me.
