Saturday, January 2, 2010

Post in the Clowns

Clown in business suit
As a clown collegiate, one is often ridiculed by society. They mock his colorful hair, poorly fit paints, and large yellow bow tie. But the joke is on them.

Not only does he get to make people laugh, but he gets paid for it. He also gets to be a complete idiot, partially on purpose. He doesn't get embarrassed or ashamed. His face and identity are always covered up. No one knows who he really is; to them he's just a happy red-nosed, big-shoe wearing, white- faced friend. What a life.

At times he even risks his life, and that's no bull. Unlike the great matadors he laughs in danger's face.

Everyone knows the famous clowns, Ronald and Bozo. They had successful careers. They brought joy and happiness to people. Today, they are still making money and still being talked and written about.

So laugh it up chuckles. He is laughing too, even more than his painted on smile portrays. You will see him throwing pies, juggling, and making balloon animals. However you will not really know him. But as he drives by, smashed into his tiny car, he will honk the horn, give a wink, and tip his pointed hat to you.

He's not clowning around, he will have the last laugh.


  1. That's it. I'm joining the circus.

  2. I always disliked clowns, ever since I saw "Clowns from Space" when I was little. I'd probably laugh if I saw it now.

    Perhaps I've judged clowns a little too quickly. They should be treated with the same respect as an A-list actor or your grandmother.
