Sunday, November 29, 2009


At the end of the day, after all is said, and all is done, you want to be home.

Enclosed by four walls, it's the place where you can be the most comfortable.

Every utensil, every book, every piece of furniture is mapped out in your brain. Temp
erature controllable, doors lockable, and lights adjustable, it's your space.
The world is now a guest, that you can invite in or keep out.

It's no wonder the slang word for a close friend is Homie. Although often surrounding, strangers summon loneliness. In dark cold streets, little safety or comfort can be found. Your heart may beat the rhythm as baseball fans, Homerun...Homerun...Homerun!

After th
e player has hit the ball, thrown down the bat, dodged getting out, he must then run home. Sometimes he may even have to slide, jump, or crawl. But once there, he is safe. No matter how dirty, torn, or scarred he is, his team rejoices.

Look up on your computer screen and you will see home is just a click away. You can always return to where it all begins.

Wherever you are you want it to feel homey, but you don't want to look homely.

Being hom
e for long periods of time makes you crazy, yet being away for long periods of time makes you sick.

Ultimately after after all is done, you look homeward " realize that the house you grew up in isn't really your home anymore...all of the sudden even though you have some place to put your stuff, that idea of home is gone...or maybe it's like this rite of will never have that feeling again until you create a new idea of home for yourself, for your kids, for the family you start. It's like a cycle or something" (Garden State).

Homeless we may be even though we may be housed.


  1. Quoting Garden State. You're so indie.

  2. Now that is deep.

    I think I know now who I would collab with if I ever had to do a psychology project.

  3. Have you ever read Fahrenheit 451?
    "...enclosed by four walls..."

  4. This is really good buddy. Like honestly this is what I've been trying to express for months.
